Following Sunday's attack in Orlando, 'the hacker decided to replace ISIS imagery posted to the accounts with rainbow flags and pro-LGBT messages,' Newsweek reported. 'A hacker affiliated with the hacktivist collective Anonymous, who uses the online moniker WauchulaGhost, first began hijacking pro-ISIS Twitter accounts several months ago,' Newsweek noted.
Just like avatars, tweeted images don’t follow the 2:1. You can adjust the positioning of the image so that captions are not trimmed when the post appears in-stream. A compressed form of the image gets embedded in the tweet. The gunman in Orlando, Omar Mateen, who killed 49 people in his rampage, swore allegiance to ISIS in a call to police in the course of the incident. Twitter generates a rich Twitter Card when you post a link having a featured image at the top. In Aftermath of Orlando, a Cautionary Tale From Israel About Gun Control.Did ISIS' Claiming of the Orlando Shooting Come Out Too Soon?.Details Emerge About Orlando Gunman's Palestinian-American Wife.
A hacker has taken over hundreds of Twitter accounts belonging to supporters of Islamic State since Sunday's attack at a gay nightclub in Orlando, using them to tweet gay pride messages and gay pornography, according to media reports including the Newsweek website.